Classical WorldView

Our Virtus upper grades program, Classical WorldView, is comprised of high-school level classes. These classes are best suited for 9th through 12th graders, though classically trained 8th graders with prior Latin experience may apply. The 2025/2026 course offerings will be updated in February or March.

Latin I & Latin II

The frequent deductive reasoning required to learn and understand this highly inflected language serves to foster clear, logical thinking. In both Latin I and Latin II, students will practice forms, basic syntax, and vocabulary while working through simple readings and translations to help gain mastery of the language and graduate to reading unadapted texts.

French I

This traditional French high school level course will give students a foundation in high frequency vocabulary, grammar concepts, basic reading and writing skills, and entry level immersion verbal fluency. Students will earn 10 units for Foreign Language credit at the conclusion of this class.

Biology 101

This notebooking approach to studying Biology through the days of Creation and a distinctly Biblical world view will provide a thorough grounding in Biology. Topics covered are: classification systems, plant life, aquatic creatures and the avian kingdom, land animals and man; followed by a final section on genetics that tackles tough issues such as genetic engineering, stem cell research, and cloning. Students can expect to view visually–rich, and biblically–sound teaching videos, read from and study the program Guidebook, as well as pre-selected resource and reference books on various Biology topics. Students will also study relevant Scriptures, take field trips, participate in oral examinations, and complete journaling assignments. At least 20 hours of lab work from classifications to dissections, including lab notes and drawings, is included in the course. Students completing this course will earn 10 units in High School Science with a Lab credit.